Do you want to build a thriving culture, strategies for growth and a winning team?
Bring back the excitement. Inspire your team to crush their goals. Feel the joy of working on a team that trusts each other and lives in a culture that thrives.
We lead online and in-person experiences that help teams connect, create winning strategies and optimize performance.
Our team building and custom workshops cover a range of topics: team dynamics, communication, role clarifications and strategies for growth.
Improve Performance.
Build teams that drive results.
Know how to build and inspire high-performing employees and teams.
Without training, lawyers often manage people the same way, ignoring individual needs and preferences. Frustrations grow. People stew in silence. High performers leave. Understand how to interact with individuals to solve problems and increase their drive. With our scientifically proven assessments and coaching tips, performance will soar.
Our Custom Team Building Trainings Help:
- Solve issues in a flash. Discover how any two people work together and get instant recommendations.
- Create better leaders by building emotional intelligence and facilitating more effective conversation.
- Instill confidence in your team that you’re listening and acting upon their feedback.
- Harness your core values so that you can create a team culture and achieve consistency, efficiency and results.
- Teach you communication secrets and skills so that you can influence and inspire your essential relationships -- with your team, clients, jurors, judges and (even) opposing counsel
- Increase team harmony
- Improve performance with fewer mistakes and errors
- Foster faster, more accurate and creative decision-making
- Increase positive energy and sense of well-being
- Enhanced collective intuition for increasing creativity and finding solutions to problems
- Increase sense of well-being and appreciation of collective action
- Collaborating from a more inclusive perspective
- Establishing new baselines for sustained change
Understand yourself. Learn how your behavioral drives manifest as a leader.
Improve management styles by exploring your natural strengths and caution areas.
Develop new leadership skills through actionable steps.
Become a better leader by building your emotional intelligence and facilitating more effective conversation.
Instill confidence in your team that you’re listening and acting upon their feedback.
Enhance trust
Improve communication
Clarify goals & roles
Trainings Include:
- Moving from Discord to Harmony: Coherence is Key
- Accessing Collective Intelligence
- Relational Energetics: Lifting Team Energy
- Raising Personal Vibration for Team Effectiveness
- The Power of Positive Energy and Attitudes
- Creating Flow in Non-flowing Situations
- The Art of Coherent Communication
- Activating the Team’s Heart Qualities and Values
- Creating Your Team’s Coherence Plan
- Additional Topics: Sources of Relational Tension, Resistance to Change, Close-minded, In-group/Out-group Tensions, Neutralizing Drama, Finger-pointing