DREAM teams don’t form by accident. You achieve team cohesion and continuity by intentionally aligning your people and your goals.

The best teams are magic. Roles and personalities complement each other. The whole becomes greater than the parts. Performance soars.
We teach how to maximize the individual strengths and talents of each member of your team, leading to a team that is committed and invested in your practice.
We help you design an operational manual (plan) so you have greater control over money, case flow, and most importantly, your time.
We teach you communication secrets and skills so that you can influence and inspire your essential relationships -- with your team, clients, jurors, judges, and (even) opposing counsel
Harness your core values so that you can create a team culture and achieve consistency, efficiency, and results.
WEAK Teams Create Chaos, Will Cost You Time, Money, Create Unhappy Clients, and Losing Results.

Does your team suffer from “putting out the hottest fire” syndrome instead of taking proactive, creative, and consistent action to move your cases forward?
Do you find yourself thinking the following? “I have to do everything for it to be done right,” or “It feels like I am always waiting for someone else to complete their action items,” or “I just don’t know how to manage the constant chaos.”
Is your team out of sync and overwhelmed, without a clear, actionable plan to best advocate for your clients on a consistent basis?
Do you worry about your leadership abilities, feel like you are constantly repeating yourself, and struggle to unite your team to work toward the same goals?
Are you Ready for a Focused, Productive, Synchronized Winning Team?
Your team must be a cohesive unit, working in sync, focused on being warriors for your clients.
To do so, training must happen long before setting foot in the courtroom… It’s about bonding on a deeper level, knowing each other’s strengths and most valuable contributions.
It’s also about understanding each other’s fears and self-limiting patterns.
A strong trial team has complete trust in each other, knowing work is a safe place that fosters creativity, honesty, and out-of-the-box thinking.
Without this, you may win, but you won’t win consistently. And, you’ll encounter energies of resistance, overwhelm, and fear that will slow you down, harming your team and your clients.


1. Discover Your Leadership Style
Understand yourself. Learn how your behavioral drives manifest as a people manager and leader.
Improve your management style by exploring your natural strengths and caution areas.
Develop new leadership skills through actionable self-coaching tips.

3. Build teams that drive results.
Improve Employee Performance.
Know how to build and inspire high-performing employees and teams.
Without training, lawyers often manage people the same way, ignoring individual needs and preferences. Frustrations grow. People stew in silence. High performers leave. Understand how to interact with individuals to solve problems and increase their drive. With our scientifically proven assessments and coaching tips, performance will soar.
Build relationships that thrive.
Solve "people" issues in a flash. Discover how any two people work together and get instant recommendations.
Become a better leader by building your emotional intelligence and facilitating more effective conversation.
Instill confidence in your team that you’re listening and acting upon their feedback.

Bring back the excitement.
Inspire your team to crush their goals.
Feel the joy of working on a team that trusts each other.
It all starts with aligning business strategy with people strategy
You will master the art of building a powerful team that is truly committed to and invested in your practice.
*Our work together will meet the Wellness Commitment encouraged by the American Bar Association. Your team will receive CLE credits for our communication, mindset and leadership training.

"Recently, our law firm brought Lexlee in to help us identify what separates us from other firms in the community. We were looking to transition into the firm we all wanted to become. Lexlee facilitated the conversation and directed us when we were stuck. She is one of the most creative, spontaneous, and innovative persons I've ever met.
Lexlee left us with a mission statement, a set of unifying values and goals, and a to-do list to accomplish these goals. We bonded and celebrated everything we do better than anyone on the planet. Lexlee challenged and motivated and left us in a much better place. I would highly recommend Lexlee."
- Don Malarick - Ohio Trial Lawyer

"When I was introduced to Lexlee, my life was chaotic; I was managing, but I wasn't living. I had not made time to enjoy the life I had built, honor myself with the gifts that come with personal success, or really even get to know myself at all. I was a very successful lawyer, a great friend and my own worst enemy.
In the short time I have worked with Lexlee, the changes have been phenomenal. I’ve made changes inside, where it counts the most.
For the first time in my life I feel loved, I feel at home, and I feel deserving of good things. Although most people cannot physically see the changes, those closest to me can feel them: the extra boisterous laugh, the twinkle of excitement in my eyes, the peacefulness I exhibit under extreme stress."
- Jacqueline Ford - Oklahoma Trial Lawyer

"There’s a lot of anxiety that comes with being a lawyer... and especially being a solo practitioner. I asked Lexlee to help me by being an objective eye to review the year past for my firm. She looked at the past financials, case load, marketing, and my own time allocations. It was really helpful to have someone else review things and give me insights into situations I wasn’t seeing for myself. She gave me suggestions for how to spend my marketing time, case load and being selective about it, and how to balance my life so I could better manage everything.
That also came in handy when my anxiety would climb later in the year. Then, I could reach out to Lexlee who, due to the earlier work she had done, already knew my issues. With a one hour session, she could help me get back to a productive mode rather than letting the anxiety cycle get worse. Quite frankly, I don’t know how solos do it without someone like Lexlee to help keep our sanity!"
-Laurie Kholler - Oklahoma Trial Lawyer
What is the minimum number of team members per group for teambuilding work?
Do we work in person or virtually?
Can I choose the areas of focus that our team needs most help?
Can our teamwork be about our firmā€™s overall goals?
Do you help teams prepare for optimal performance during trial?